February Joy Challenge

Friends, the month of February can be quite grim. Lack of sun, cold temperatures, sickness and the drudgery of repetitive tasks can lead to weariness and burnout. Add on SAD- seasonal affected disorder, and this short month can feel years long. After suffering through several years of this, I began to make preparations to survive this month. I scheduled a few Fridays off, made plans with friends and …survived. As I gained experience, I added supplements and vitamins, more fresh air and a sun lamp to the survival package.

Then a dear friend in the Lord, and veteran homeschool mom gently encouraged me to Thrive, rather than Survive. She has not had an easy life, but she is one of the most positive, mentally and emotionally healthy person I know. Her secret? Well, it’s gratitude and the ability to take Joy in the smallest of things. I want to be like her!

For the last few years, she has created a list of things to do to bring Joy to the darkest of days (literally dark here in Michigan!). Many of these items were specific to my personhood, but I am sharing them here as a chance for you to craft your own Joy Challenge. Some years it is a list in my planner, others it is a daily planned entry item in my To Do list and once it was a grab jar- each item written on scrap paper, placed in a jar, for a random daily choice. Some of these require spending money, which I couldn’t have done when my kids were little.

Joy’s Joy Prompts:

JESUS. Beyond reading your Bible, may you consider this: Jesus loves you deeply, He is in this season just like any other. Through the dark days, depression, lack of sleep, low energy and low motivation, your production levels are not His priority. He loves YOU. The list below is just some small ways to be reminded that you are alive, your life has purpose, and provides opportunities to be grateful for even small things.

  • Eat Citrus Daily

  • Send a handwritten Letter or Card

  • Buy a new tea (or coffee!)

  • Clean windows

  • Plan your summer garden

  • Research a new flower or vegetable for your garden

  • Exercise daily, even if it’s just a short walk outside

  • Watch a comedy. The goal is to laugh out loud.

  • Spa night at home. Paint your nails. Use that good soap or lotion you’ve been saving.

  • Participate in Restaurant Week (in our foodie loving town, the local, non chain restaurants have a week of special deals this month)

  • Clean something you’ve been putting off

  • Eat Chocolate (always in moderation, and of the highest quality you can afford)

  • Plan a new summer meal for those hot days to come

  • Start a new 5 minute habit

  • Give yourself a facial

  • Learn something new

  • Tackle, on paper, financial goal

  • Buy a healthy treat at the grocery store

  • Go for a snowshoe tramp in the woods

  • Ice Skate

  • Go Sledding

  • Buy daffodils or other spring flower

  • Date night with husband or friend

  • Light a candle every night (often do this during school when it is gloomy) preferably beeswax as it purifies the air

  • Plan a trip for the upcoming year

  • Have a tea party - alone, with kids, fancy or with friends

  • Go to the library alone

  • Go to a theater production (if possible)

  • Buy a new item of clothing

  • Have a long soak in a hot bath

  • Plan to attend Awaken: a Living Books Educational Conference!

    Julia’s Joy Prompts:

  • Sleep in and start school one hour later (kids allowing) or if you can’t sleep in, just enjoy a slower cozy morning and start school late

  • Give yourself permission to have a comfy clothes day OR if that’s your norm, maybe get dressed up a little even if it’s just a normal day at home!

  • Have a “sun-day” think snow-day but when you know it’s going to be beautiful and sunny out instead!

  • Make dinner and bring it to a friends house and enjoy it together while you bless them too

  • Start a new creative endeavour, or pick up one again that you love but haven’t done in a long time

  • Go thrifting

  • Read “fluff” books - light, easy and enjoyable

  • Say what you are thankful for every day–we do this around the dinner table, it could be at bedtime, in the morning, while you’re driving, whenever works for you. Or start a gratitude journal!

  • Have an intentional music listening sesh with all your favorites or with throwbacks that remind you of a happy time

  • Try a new recipe for a cozy baked good

    Beckie’s Joy Prompts:

  • Use full-spectrum light bulbs in as many places as you can in the house (versus LED’s)

  • Salt spa and/or red-light therapy sessions

  • Massage therapy

  • I use white Christmas lights to add both ambiance to a room and light up the dark days.

  • Paid outdoor activities - I have such a hard time making myself go outside in the cold, but if I pay for an activity I am more likely to bundle up in order to keep my commitment. (Ice skating, skiing, tubing hills, etc.)

  • Weekly traditions - pizza and a movie night, game night, song & dance night, etc.

  • Sleeping. Seriously. Sleep. Your body naturally wants to hibernate in winter. We have not been taught to listen to our bodies (or to interpret what it is saying), but rest is not a bad thing.

  • Re-read favorite stories. My teens have begun to ask me to read their favorite children’s stories to them. (I read Cinderella, Franklin’s Class Trip and the Little Red Hen last night.)

  • Stretch or do a free Pilates workout on YouTube.

  • Diffuse your favorite essential oils or make homemade cleaning spray with your favorite essential oil.

  • Smile…even if you don’t feel like it, and even if you are alone…smile.

  • Pray.

    What would you add to these lists? We would love to have you participate with us! Tag us on social media or use #februaryjoychallenge


A Quiet Growing Time


Parenting the Strong-Willed Child